We take pride in providing hassle free routine delivery service to your doorstep within our coverage area.
We are currently having promotional plan for our latest ice machine model HT-320. Begin from RM450 per month.
We offers a range of water dispensers, rental and including the cheapest coolers available in the northern region.
Bottled Water - 230ml, 500ml, 1.5L & 18.9L. Our great savings mean the more you buy, the more you save.
Read more ...We use the latest purification technologies that removes chlorine, bad tastes, lead, and other undesirables - giving you unlimited fresh water with every use.
Made to the highest standards, Omega Water provides a full range of water options. From cold, hot, extra hot water and even sparkling, Omega Water gives you an assortment of sophisticated and stylish water coolers that will fit your workplace needs and standards.